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  1. Upregulation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor of the Steroidogenesis Pathway in the Cumulus Cells Is Associated with the Maturation of Oocytes and Achievement of Pregnancy. MyungJoo Kim, Young Sang Kim, Yu Jin Kim, Hye Ran Lee, KyoungHee Choi, Eun A Park, Ki Ye Kang, Tae Ki Yoon, Sohyun Hwang, Jung Jae Ko, You Shin Kim, Jae Ho Lee. Cells. 2021 Sep 11;10(9):2389. doi: 10.3390/cells10092389.
  2. MIT-001 Restores Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Enhancing Mitochondrial Quiescence and Cytoskeletal Organization. Won Dong Yu,Yu Jin Kim,Min Jeong Cho,Gi Jin Kim,Soon Ha Kim,MyungJoo Kim,Jung Jae Ko, Jae Ho Lee. Int J MolSci . 2021 May 11;22(10):5062. doi: 10.3390/ijms22105062.
  3. Role of RGMc as a Neogenin Ligand in Follicular Development in the Ovary. Yu Jin Kim, YoungJoon Park, Yeo Reum Park, Young Sang Kim, Hye Ran Lee, Sang Jin Lee, MyungJoo Kim, KyuBumKwack, Jung Jae Ko, Jae Ho Lee. Biomedicines. 2021 Mar 10;9(3):280. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9030280.
  4. The Effect of Additional Embryo Transfer on the Pregnancy Rate in Young Women Receiving in vitro Fertilization: A Natural Experiment Study. Ran Kim,Seung-Ah Choe,Eun A Park, MyungJoo Kim, Young-Sang Kim, You Shin Kim. Int J Womens Health. 2021; 13: 379–384.
  5. Novel Medicine for Endometriosis and Its Therapeutic Eect in a Mouse Model. Young Sang Kim, Yu Jin Kim, MyungJoo Kim, Sang Jin Lee, Hwang Kwon, Jae Ho Lee. Biomedicines . 2020 Dec 16;8(12):619. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines8120619.
  6. Motility enhancement of human spermatozoa using electrical stimulation in the nano-Ampere range with enzymatic biofuel cells. Tai Eun Shin, Jin Woo Park, Won-Yong Jeon, EunJi Lee, Hyojeong Kwon, BoyoungJeon, HyoEun Kang, MyungJoo Kim, DaeKeun Kim, Hyug-Han Kim, Jung Jae Ko, Jae Ho Lee. PLoS One. 2020 Feb 20;15(2):e0228097. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228097. eCollection 2020.
  7. Association Between Functional Activity of Mitochondria and Actin Cytoskeleton Instability in Oocytes from Advanced Age Mice. MyungJoo Kim, KyoungHee Choi, Dong Woo Seo, Hye Ran Lee, Hyun Seok Kong, Chan Hee Lee, Woo Sik Lee, HoonTaek Lee, Jung Jae Ko, JiHyang Kim, Sang Jin Lee, Jae Ho Lee. Reprod Sci. 2020 Apr;27(4):1037-1046. doi: 10.1007/s43032-020-00145-2. Epub 2020 Feb 5
  8. Outcomes of in-vitro fertilization cycles following fertility-sparing treatment in stage-IA endometrial cancer. MyungJoo Kim, Seung-Ah Choe, MiKyoung Kim, Bo Seong Yun, SeokJuSeong, You Shin Kim Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2019 Oct;300(4):975-980. doi: 10.1007/s00404-019-05237-2. Epub 2019 Aug 22.
  9. Decision making processes of women who seek elective oocyte cryopreservation. Ran Kim, Tae Ki Yoon, Inn Soo Kang, MiKyoungKoong, Yoo Shin Kim, MyungJoo Kim, Yubin Lee, Jayeon Kim. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Sep;35(9):1623-1630. doi: 10.1007/s10815-018-1255-9.
  10. Therapeutic outcomes of methotrexate injection in unruptured interstitial pregnancy. MyungJoo Kim, Jae-Ho Cha, HyoSookBae, MiKyoung Kim, Mi-La Kim, Bo Sung Yun, You Shin Kim, SeokJuSeong, and Yong Wook Jung. ObstetGynecol Sci. 2017 Nov; 60(6): 571–578.
  11. Increased proportion of mature oocytes with sustained release growth hormone treatment in poor responders: a prospective randomized controlled study. Seung-Ah Choe, MyungJoo Kim, Hee Jun Lee, Jayeon Kim, EunMi Chang, Ji Won Kim, Han Moie Park, Sang Woo Lyu, Woo Sik Lee, Tae Ki Yoon, You Shin Kim. Arch GynecolObstet . 2018 Mar;297(3):791-796.
  12. Successful management of heterotopic cornual pregnancy with laparoscopic cornual resection.MyungJoo Kim, Yong Wook Jung, Jae-Ho Cha, Hyun Ha Seok, JiEun Han, SeokJuSeong, You Shin Kim. Eur J ObstetGynecolReprod Biol. 2016 Aug;203:199-203. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.04.026. Epub 2016 May 20.
  13. A healthy delivery of twins by assisted reproduction followed by preimplantation genetic screening in a woman with X-linked dominant incontinentiapigmenti. MyungJoo Kim, Sang Woo Lyu, Hyun Ha Seok, JiEun Park, Sung Han Shim, Tae Ki Yoon. ClinExpReprod Med. 2014 Dec;41(4):168-173.
  14. Pregnancy prognosis according to prepregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain in twin pregnancies. MyungJoo Kim, EunDuc Na, Kyoung Jin Lee, Dong Hyun Cha, JoongSik Shin, Hwa Young Lee. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 May;55(5):300-308.
  15. Intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy with cisplatin in epithelial ovarian cancer, MyungJoo Kim, Yong Wook Jung, SeokJuSeong, Bo Sung Yoon, Mi La Kim, Won DeokJoo, Tae Jong Song. J GynecolOncol. 2012 Apr;23(2):91-97.
  16. Single port access versus conventional laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy: Comparison of surgical outcomes. Yoon Jung Lee, MyungJoo Kim, SeokJuSeong, In Hyun Kim, Mi La Kim, Taejong Song, Bo Sung Yoon, Yong Wook Jung, Won-DukJoo, Hye Sun Jun. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 May;55(5):325-331.
  17. A case of ovarian leiomyoma treated with laparoscopic mass excision. MyungJoo Kim, EunDuc Na, Yoon Jung Lee, Mi-La Kim,SeokJuSeong, Ji-Young Kim. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Mar;55(3):218-223.
  18. Placental mesenchymal dysplasia associated with severe preeclampsia: A case report. EunDuc Na, Kyoung Jin Lee, Myung-Joo Kim, Hyo-Jin Yi, MD, Ji-Young Kim. Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Aug;54(8):459-463.